Posted by
Ricky Graham 3 years ago

A couple of questions

I am halfway done through the school year and tried to print off the assignments that we have accomplished.  How do I do this?  Also, is there a way to print an attendance record for record keeping for my state?

Customer Support
Posted by
Jaclyn Feliciano 3 years ago

Grade Saving Issues

Hi!  I seem to be having problems getting any grades to save to my gradebook.   Anyone else experiencing this issue?  After clicking "save", I am getting the green pop-up block that states "save successful" but it actually isn't saving.  Help!

Posted by
Tracy Crews 3 years ago


Hi! I am new to homeschooling. I am working this month (December) on transitioning my daughter from public school to home. My daughter is 6, going on 7, and in Kindergarten. We've found that the public school setting just isn't ideal for her as we navigate ASD therapies (ABA, ST, OT, and PT)  and we have seen she needs much longer on assignments than we even anticipated. Bringing her home, will allow her to learn at her speed without the push to catch up.

I set up the grade book this week, but I am definitely still at the learning stage. I would love feedback on all the little things OnoSchool grade book has to offer. Tricks, secrets... whatever knowledge you're willing to share, I am all ears!

Thank you for providing this free grade book. What I have learned so far on my own... I'm beyond thankful. I love the simplicity of it. Along with being able to add photos of the assignments. I plan to keep the hard copies, but they could get lost, and having them accessible here is a great back up. Plus, I can pull an assignment for therapy easily if needed; especially for OT and ST.


Posted by
Ryan Reid 3 years ago

Greek God Research Project GRADED TODAY!

I have just finished grading the "Greek God Research Projects"
students' grades are now in the grade books! If you have any questions on why your student's grade is the way it is,don't hesitate to ask me.
Note:all grades are final.

General Discussion
Posted by
Brian McQuay 3 years ago

How long do you break for the holidays?

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I'm curious if everyone else takes a break from homeschooling for the winter. I've found that if we take too long a break it's that much more difficult for the kids to get back into the routine. We took 2 months last year and it was way too much time off. It took a good month after starting before we were back into the routine and with much fussing along the way. I think we're going to just go with 1 month this year and get right back into it. I don't want a repeat of last year. How much time do you usually schedule off for winter break if any at all?